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Equipment selection

Electromagnetic lock on the gate


How to choose an electromagnetic lock on the gate?


Buy an electromagnetic lock on the gates sought by every owner of a private house. Video intercom, equipped with this device, allows you to open the gate remotely, without leaving the street and not being distracted from their affairs.

The principle of the electromagnetic lock is based on the use of a constant voltage. So it is possible to form a magnetic field in which the armature on the door is attracted to the electromagnet and securely fixed. The design is quite reliable, easy to install and maintain. At the same time, there is a significant drawback. In the absence of voltage, the gate will remain open. Solve the problem if you install a backup power source.

Employees of the company "Metakom" will help you choose the optimal set, taking into account the specifics of each object. At us it is possible to buy the electromagnetic lock on a gate of different types. Each set has its own characteristics:

  • Retaining locks are considered to be the most popular. Closure of the wicket is carried out by attracting it to the magnet and holding it in this state. The demand for such devices is explained by the simplicity and speed of installation, undemanding service.
  • Sliding systems. Buy a street electromagnetic lock for a wicket of this type is recommended to ensure greater reliability. At the same time, the device itself is more complicated, the installation process is more labor-intensive. It is necessary to ensure maximum accuracy and adjustment of the elements, so that the lock can easily enter the hole.


Locks, in addition to the main function, can perform additional. For example, they are equipped with sensors (signaling a loose closing of the wicket), controllers (make it possible to open the wicket only when applying the key, pressing the command button). The most advanced models can recognize fingerprints, the retina of the eye.


The company "Metakom" offers a wide range of products. We can buy a intercom with a lock on the gate, the price of which will be affordable with high quality. This is achieved through optimization of the production process and its three-step control. Our electromagnetic locks:

  • easy to connect and maintain;
  • noiseless;
  • durable.


They are made of materials resistant to wear and temperature changes, so they can be installed outdoors and operated throughout the year.

    8 800 250 33 97

    +7 (4832) 68-37-95

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